In this class you will need to pick a news beat – a specific topic for the reporting assignments you will be working on for the remainder of the semester. Once you pick that topic, there’s no going back!
Each of the news reports you will create this semester will report on aspects of the same topic and should be relevant to the major story by extending the story or adding depth to it. So be sure to pick a topic you really care about since you won’t be able to switch topics later on in the semester.
This assignment has been specifically designed to give you a chance to call attention to a current social problem. The goal of this assignment is to help you find your voice in the digital sphere and prepare you for successful participation in both professional and civic life.

For this assignment, you will pick a social issue you are passionate about and would like to raise awareness about. Being able to successfully raise awareness about a variety of issues is a key skill for journalists and communication professionals alike. Not only that, but honing these skills is also important for any Christian leader eager to embody the love of Christ by engaging in effective advocacy on behalf of the least, the last and the lost.
Your job in this class will be to strategically use various social media tools to educate your audience on the importance of the issue.
Listed below are a few examples of possible topic ideas. This list is by no means exhaustive, so feel free to weigh in with your own ideas.
· Energy (i.e. alternative sources) · Water (i.e. Texas water supply) · Food (i.e. combating hunger, GM foods, problems with beef farming, organic eating) · Environment (i.e. deforestation, global warming, sustainability) · Poverty (i.e. minimum wage, systemic racism, government assistance programs) · Terrorism & war (i.e. NSA, interrogation techniques) · Disease (i.e. health care reform, global epidemics, understudied diseases) · Education (i.e. educational reform, STEM, MOOCs, contingent faculty) | · Democracy (i.e. electoral reform, voter rates, redistricting) · Population (i.e. overpopulation, affordable housing) · Technology (i.e. privacy, piracy, net neutrality) · Economy (i.e. neoliberalism, capitalism) · Religion (i.e. nones, violent extremism, separation between church and state) · Foreign policy issues (human rights, foreign aid, debt relief, etc.) · Immigration issues (i.e. immigration reform, unaccompanied minors, child separation) · Discrimination (i.e. religious, racial, ethnic, gender, sexual preference, etc.) |